Sunday, 25 February 2018

How to Diagnose PCOS

How to Diagnose Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

About the poly cystic ovary syndrome we had already talked about it and what are the main sign and symptoms for it   

Now let’s talk in this article about how to diagnose it and how to make sure that this female is really diseased by poly cystic ovary syndrome.

The symptoms are the first step of diagnosing the poly cystic ovary syndrome but isn't enough alone for making sure of being diseased by it.     

The steps of diagnosis for poly cystic ovary syndrome:

As we said before the symptoms are one of the steps for diagnosis, the lack of menstrual cycle or irregular menstrual cycle, unwanted facial & body hair growth, and the other symptoms we talked about before.

1 ) Symptoms - symptoms and sign of poly cystic ovary syndrome.
2)Ultrasound - for people who don't know what ultrasound is. Well let me tell you a           preview about it.        
Ultrasound    is a technique used in medical diagnosis, it depends in the use of specific type of waves that penetrate the body tissue and then allow us to get a picture of organs inside human body.

In case of poly cystic ovary syndrome ultrasound allow the doctor to get a picture of the female's ovaries and hence he can find any problem or abnormality in the ovaries.
By examining the ovaries by ultrasound, it will show that it contain large number of small bags filled with eggs that are matured and ready to bleach in every month cycle but large in size at about 10 mm.

But during the growth of those eggs suddenly it stopped lead to non-occurrence of pregnancy. 

3) Hormone analysis:  as we said before the causes of poly cystic ovary syndrome are hormonal problem if it was the pituitary gland hormone (LH) or the estrogen and insulin level or even dopamine level. All must be regulated in the normal ratios so no abnormality happens.

So detecting the level of insulin, glucose, LH, androgen hormones (testosterone and also DHEA) is an important step in diagnosis
is the hormone responsible for production of milk
And FSH hormone (which is the hormone responsible for maturity and growth of the oocysts)

Also progesterone which known as ovulation hormone.

About the levels of the hormones:

1-LH hormone will be high.
2-FSH hormone is normal or low.
3-insulin hormone might be high.
4-male hormones testosterone might be high or normal.
5-DHEAS hormone is normal or even high.
6-progesterone hormone will be dramatically decreased.
7-prolactin hormone might be normal or high.

All these hormones should be assisted in order to diagnose the reason of the poly cystic ovary syndrome and hence it will be easily treated without leaving any defect in the female ovaries and then it won't affect her hormones, physical state of her body and also pregnancy.

And no need to mention that the physician should take care of blood pressure of the diseased female that become high in such cases and must control it.
Also let me provide you with a picture to show you the difference between poly cystic ovary syndrome and the ovarian malignant tumour.

Here are also some other picture for more illustration about poly cystic ovary syndrome.

Stay tuned for more articles and more information about poly cystic ovary syndrome.

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This article is issued in Public interest under social awareness campaign By PhytoCeutics, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS – A Natural cure for cystic Ovaries. 

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