What is poly cystic ovary syndrome?
Well, give me an honor to provide you with the detailed information about it, so you can easily know what poly cystic ovary syndrome is.
Let's know first the meaning of each word:
1. Poly: in Latin language which consider main source of so many medical words, poly means many or more than one.
2. Cystic: means a Small sac or Small cysts with water inside the cysts.
3. Ovary: as everybody know it's the main reproductive gland of females, which is responsible for production of eggs every 28 days or a month and this is process called the ovulation.
4. Syndrome: means group of symptoms, the disease that affect our body and lead to too many symptoms affecting different sites and functions of the body, such conditions in medical field is called as syndrome.
Now after being aware of the meaning of each word
Shall we now move on to know about the disease itself?
POLY CYSTIC OVERY SYNDROME is a very common disease that affect the ovaries of females in different ages, from 20 to 40 years old women. (Reproductive age)
For so many women that become affected with poly cystic ovary syndrome may be unaware of its potential effect on their reproductive health and their ability of getting pregnant,
as in some untreated cases it may lead to complete infertility for the affected woman, and hence it need very special medical care to control it and prevent any further effects on the woman's body.
Poly cystic ovary syndrome means presence of so many small cysts or unruptured follicles/ eggs inside the ovaries, each one not exceeding 10 mm.
The reason of poly cystic ovary syndrome is not well known or distinguished, following are the list of physical conditions which may lead to PCOS:
1: High LH Hormone: the main cause is a defect or a problem with the pituitary gland lead to increase the release of its hormone LH affecting the level of estrogen hormone in the women's body, and hence the ovaries won't work in the efficient way leading to the poly cystic ovary syndrome.
2: Ovarian Dysfunction: is that some thought that the main problem or defect in in the ovaries itself, leading to decrease its response to the pituitary gland hormone's LH and estrogen too and in the same way this will affect the working of ovaries, also lead to the poly cystic ovary syndrome.
3: Androgen Excess in female: is that the problem is about the Adrenal gland that produce so many amount of the male hormone (Testosterone) DHEAS also this leading to poly cystic ovary syndrome.
4: Low Dopamine levels: is that the problem is about the low amount of dopamine hormone.
5: Insulin Resistance: which means respond of cells to the insulin gets reduced hence body needs to secrete more insulin in order to control the blood glucose levels and that is also one of the reason for PCOS
No matter what the main cause is, all will lead to the same problem which is ''POLY CYSTIC OVERY SYNDROME''
And hence if you are affected with it so let me tell you that you are really in need of medical help to maintain your body from the dramatic effect of this syndrome and also to protect your ability in pregnancy.
Here are some pictures for a ovaries of a female with PCOS:
Those are a detailed information about ''poly cystic ovary syndrome''
Stay tuned for the next article which will be about the main symptoms that make you suspect of being diseased with ''poly cystic ovary syndrome''
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