Wednesday, 28 February 2018

PCOS Treatment guide -Metformin

Poly cystic ovary syndrome- PCOS Treatment Guide - Metformin

In this article let's continue with treatment of poly cystic ovary syndrome and more illustration about it, to help people know more about how this disease can be treated and controlled.

1: is the well-known medication used for treatment of diabetes mellitus and controlling the high blood glucose level which called METFORMIN



As we told you before that Insulin Resistance is one of the major cause for  poly cystic ovary syndrome and metformin have very good role against increasing insulin sensitivity of the body.

It has too many important actions:

1) increasing the cells sensitivity to allow entering of the glucose more rapidly and easily inside the body cells and tissue and hence the glucose level in the blood will 
be decreased also.

2) it help in increasing the activity of the liver organ to metabolise the glucose 
 more and more and also prevent it from breaking down the stored glycogen with when had been broke it will turn into glucose and increase its level in blood 

3) it help in decreasing the stomach absorption of glucose from your diet and by that there will be a control over the glucose level entering your blood and your system so no increase in blood glucose level.

4) the most important action about metformin is that the scientific studies has proved that taking a daily dose of 850 mg has a great effect in treating the problems related to poly cystic ovary syndrome, and taking it from the begging of pregnancy till the fifth months of it help in improving high glucose level and high insulin level cause by poly cystic ovary syndrome and hence it control the problem that may happen during pregnancy nine months.

This all are the effective actions of metformin in treating females diseased by poly 
cystic ovary syndrome

So it's a very important step in treatment of the poly cystic ovary syndrome cases.
Beside the other physical treatment we discussed before in our previous article.
Using treatment and also metformin will help to improve all the problem caused by poly cystic ovary syndrome and as well prevent the dramatic effects of it on the heart and pregnancy and more if left untreated, as it may cause lots of heart diseases as a result of the high blood pressure and also may lead to complete infertility for the diseased females.

There are another treatment methods one of them is SURGERY.

Stay tuned to know about it in our next article.

Kindly do subscribe to our blog, like us on Facebook and do share our article with your dear once. 
This article is issued in Public interest under social awareness campaign By PhytoCeutics, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS – A Natural cure for cystic Ovaries. 

Monday, 26 February 2018

PCOS -Treatment Guide


We already talked before about what poly cystic ovary syndrome is and why it called 
syndrome and not disease.

Also we talked about the sign, symptoms and features that appear on the female diseased with poly cystic ovary syndrome.

As well, our amazing blog also make you aware about the diagnosis steps and the accurate way you should do in order to make sure that you are suffering with poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hence choose the most effective and right method of treatment.

Let's know more about treatment of poly cystic ovary syndrome…..

In the beginning of our interesting talk, I should tell you that poly cystic ovary syndrome the main aim in treatment of poly cystic ovary syndrome is to control all the symptoms caused by the syndrome and prevent any further effects or abnormalities.

" treating the physical symptoms which bother every female as it affect her beauty and her look as well."
The physical symptoms and its treatment are as following:

1) Unwanted Facial hair growth - abnormal hair growth on body and chin: balancing the hormones will not solve the problem of the excess hair but there are so many other ways to get rid of it like: laser technique which is a new technology used in beautifying females body by removing excess hair, and by repeating cessions it will as well remove all the hair and prevent it from further growth.

2) Acne -  can be treated by using facial cleansing to keep the face always clean and also prevent further deterioration of it.
Using ointments and cream containing antibiotics and antiseptic medication is very useful in such cases.
The main thing is always keeping the acne clean hence prevent further damage.

For some herbal treatment using of mixture of honey and cinnamon is very helpful for acne 
problem as honey is acting as antiseptic agent and also anti-inflammatory that results from the acne and also the cinnamon act also as an antiseptic and has a great role for controlling the acne.

3) weight gain:
this needs you as being a female to be patient and keep working hard to control your 
weight. Also controlling the hormones will help you control your excess weight .

4) uncontrolled/ Irregular period: doctors may give you treatments that used for birth control as in case of poly cystic ovary syndrome it will help in controlling the period and make the releasing of period blood every months well and in a good way.
5) other problems like high blood pressure or high blood glucose level can be controlled easily by your physician.

The other medication and the main treatments of poly cystic ovary syndrome, we will know about it the next article so stay tuned and continue checking our Blog.

Kindly do subscribe to our blog, like us on Facebook and do share our article with your dear once. 
This article is issued in Public interest under social awareness campaign By PhytoCeutics, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS – A Natural cure for cystic Ovaries. 

Sunday, 25 February 2018

How to Diagnose PCOS

How to Diagnose Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

About the poly cystic ovary syndrome we had already talked about it and what are the main sign and symptoms for it   

Now let’s talk in this article about how to diagnose it and how to make sure that this female is really diseased by poly cystic ovary syndrome.

The symptoms are the first step of diagnosing the poly cystic ovary syndrome but isn't enough alone for making sure of being diseased by it.     

The steps of diagnosis for poly cystic ovary syndrome:

As we said before the symptoms are one of the steps for diagnosis, the lack of menstrual cycle or irregular menstrual cycle, unwanted facial & body hair growth, and the other symptoms we talked about before.

1 ) Symptoms - symptoms and sign of poly cystic ovary syndrome.
2)Ultrasound - for people who don't know what ultrasound is. Well let me tell you a           preview about it.        
Ultrasound    is a technique used in medical diagnosis, it depends in the use of specific type of waves that penetrate the body tissue and then allow us to get a picture of organs inside human body.

In case of poly cystic ovary syndrome ultrasound allow the doctor to get a picture of the female's ovaries and hence he can find any problem or abnormality in the ovaries.
By examining the ovaries by ultrasound, it will show that it contain large number of small bags filled with eggs that are matured and ready to bleach in every month cycle but large in size at about 10 mm.

But during the growth of those eggs suddenly it stopped lead to non-occurrence of pregnancy. 

3) Hormone analysis:  as we said before the causes of poly cystic ovary syndrome are hormonal problem if it was the pituitary gland hormone (LH) or the estrogen and insulin level or even dopamine level. All must be regulated in the normal ratios so no abnormality happens.

So detecting the level of insulin, glucose, LH, androgen hormones (testosterone and also DHEA) is an important step in diagnosis
is the hormone responsible for production of milk
And FSH hormone (which is the hormone responsible for maturity and growth of the oocysts)

Also progesterone which known as ovulation hormone.

About the levels of the hormones:

1-LH hormone will be high.
2-FSH hormone is normal or low.
3-insulin hormone might be high.
4-male hormones testosterone might be high or normal.
5-DHEAS hormone is normal or even high.
6-progesterone hormone will be dramatically decreased.
7-prolactin hormone might be normal or high.

All these hormones should be assisted in order to diagnose the reason of the poly cystic ovary syndrome and hence it will be easily treated without leaving any defect in the female ovaries and then it won't affect her hormones, physical state of her body and also pregnancy.

And no need to mention that the physician should take care of blood pressure of the diseased female that become high in such cases and must control it.
Also let me provide you with a picture to show you the difference between poly cystic ovary syndrome and the ovarian malignant tumour.

Here are also some other picture for more illustration about poly cystic ovary syndrome.

Stay tuned for more articles and more information about poly cystic ovary syndrome.

Kindly do subscribe to our blog, like us on Facebook and do share our article with your dear once. 
This article is issued in Public interest under social awareness campaign By PhytoCeutics, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS – A Natural cure for cystic Ovaries. 

Saturday, 24 February 2018

PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) guide


In 1935, the well-known scientists

Were the first to diagnose poly cystic ovary syndrome as they discovered that there are some symptoms or medical features related to prevention of ovulation process. And also 
appearance of excess facial hair in females.

They collected all the symptoms related to this disease and help in diagnosing poly cystic ovary syndrome.

In the last article we got to know what is PCOS is so now let's know about its symptoms   and features
What are those symptoms or feature that appear on the body of female affected by poly cystic ovary syndrome?!

I'll do my best to provide you with all the symptoms that every female should be aware of it, and hence if feeling any of it. She have to make sure of asking for the medical help as soon as possible.

There are so many symptoms / features for this disease and that's why it called syndrome:

The main known are:-

1) Irregular Menstrual cycle – menstrual cycle more than 1 ½ months

2) Unwanted facial hair growth

3) Increase in the total body weight.

4) changes and unorganized pattern of period with the meaning that it may delay or become early.

5) Delaying of pregnancy or maybe if not treated and ignored it might in some cases lead 
to infertility (not getting pregnant)

6)  Increasing in the blood pressure although the woman isn't a high blood pressure patient, 
but this is because of the poly cystic ovary syndrome itself.

7) In some cases, female might feel pain in the very lower part of the abdomen where the 
both ovaries located.

8) Increase the appearance of facial acnes even in fully matured women.

9) increasing the insulin hormone level in the blood although the female is not a diabetic patient.

10) increasing in blood glucose level although increasing the insulin level too and this is not normal even in diabetes mellitus.

11) increase in the androgen/ free testosterone level in the female's , as we know the androgen are the male sex hormone so increasing it in the females' body is a sign for abnormal activity in the body.

Not every women diseased by poly cystic ovary syndrome will face the same problems or 
have the same symptoms as it vary in type and degree from patient to another according to many factors like: age, weight, status of disease and more.

Any of this features alone don't mean that you are a poly cystic ovary syndrome patient but as it called syndrome so you have to face more than two of these symptoms and also the symptoms aren’t the only thing to assure being diseased but there are so many other diagnostic tests and checks that doctor have to do in order to make sure of being diseased and also to know that main cause of it and hence treat it in the best way, allowing you to not face any further problem in the future.

Every female who fell up normality about her period and ovulation should never hesitate to seek for medical help and treatment.

This article is issued in public interest under Infertility Awareness campaign by PhytoCeutics Healthcare, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS –Curing Syndrome of Cystic Ovaries.

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Friday, 23 February 2018

What is PCOS - Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome



What is poly cystic ovary syndrome?

Well, give me an honor to provide you with the detailed information about it, so you can easily know what poly cystic ovary syndrome is.

Let's know first the meaning of each word: 

1. Poly: in Latin language which consider main source of so many medical words, poly means many or more than one.

2. Cystic: means a Small sac or Small cysts with water inside the cysts.

3. Ovary: as everybody know it's the main reproductive gland of females, which is responsible for production of eggs every 28 days or a month and this is process called the ovulation.

4. Syndrome: means group of symptoms, the disease that affect our body and lead to too many symptoms affecting different sites and functions of the body, such conditions in medical field is called as syndrome.

Now after being aware of the meaning of each word 

Shall we now move on to know about the disease itself?

POLY CYSTIC OVERY SYNDROME is a very common disease that affect the ovaries of females in different ages, from 20 to 40 years old women. (Reproductive age)

For so many women that become affected with poly cystic ovary syndrome may be unaware of its potential effect on their reproductive health and their ability of getting pregnant,

as in some untreated cases it may lead to complete infertility for the affected woman, and hence it need very special medical care to control it and prevent any further effects on the woman's body.

Poly cystic ovary syndrome means presence of so many small cysts or unruptured follicles/ eggs inside the ovaries, each one not exceeding 10 mm.

The reason of poly cystic ovary syndrome is not well known or distinguished, following are the list of physical conditions which may lead to PCOS: 

1:  High LH Hormone: the main cause is a defect or a problem with the pituitary gland lead to increase the release of its hormone LH affecting the level of estrogen hormone in the women's body, and hence the ovaries won't work in the efficient way leading to the poly cystic ovary syndrome.

2:  Ovarian Dysfunction: is that some thought that the main problem or defect in in the ovaries itself, leading to decrease its response to the pituitary gland hormone's LH and estrogen too and in the same way this will affect the working of ovaries, also lead to the poly cystic ovary syndrome.

3:  Androgen Excess in female: is that the problem is about the Adrenal gland that produce so many amount of the male hormone (Testosterone) DHEAS also this leading to poly cystic ovary syndrome.

4:   Low Dopamine levels: is that the problem is about the low amount of dopamine hormone.

5: Insulin Resistance: which means respond of cells to the insulin gets reduced hence body needs to secrete more insulin in order to control the blood glucose levels and that is also one of the reason for PCOS

No matter what the main cause is, all will lead to the same problem which is ''POLY CYSTIC OVERY SYNDROME''

And hence if you are affected with it so let me tell you that you are really in need of medical help to maintain your body from the dramatic effect of this syndrome and also to protect your ability in pregnancy.

Here are some pictures for a ovaries of a female with PCOS:

Those are a detailed information about ''poly cystic ovary syndrome''
Stay tuned for the next article which will be about the main symptoms that make you suspect of being diseased with ''poly cystic ovary syndrome''

Kindly do subscribe to our blog, like us on Facebook and do share our article with your dear once. 
This article is issued in Public interest under social awareness campaign By PhytoCeutics, Makers of Cap.V-PCOS – A Natural cure for cystic Ovaries. 

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