Wednesday, 25 April 2018

What is Male Infertility ?



We are going to talk for a while about INFERTILITY, but this time to be specific it's about infertility in the male sex type.

Fertility means the ability of mature human if he is male or she is female to conceive after being fully matured.

And for a male it happens when his body becomes able to produce enough amount of viable sperms required to make the female pregnant.

But what will happen if the male loos his ability to make the female pregnant?

This case is called infertility of the male sex type. And it affects many men due to lots of causes.
According to the cause of infertility for the male, then the treatment will be different.

It's very important to diagnose the main cause of infertility for the male so the physician chooses the most proper treatment for his case.

When to consider the male infertile or to be specific have a problem?

This happens when the male is not able to conceive for one years of his natural sex life with the fertile female or even for more than two years.

But to be sure of that this has to happen when the male and the female are not using any method of contraception.

The most known type of infertility related to male sex type is affect male's sperm cells or inability of sperm to reach the female's egg and by the way, it won't be able to fertilise it so infertility will be the last result.

 about the causes of infertility for male sex type:

There are so many different causes that lead to an inability to male or female to get children even after spending whole two years or more of their normal sexual life as we said before and those causes are as following:

Number one called: immune infertility

This type mainly affects males ad there is something called ASA WHICH IS THE ABBREVIATION OF ANTI SPERM ANTIBODIES.

From its name, you will know that there are antibodies that its main action is to affect the action of male's sperms. And by the way, there will be difficulty in normal conceiving.

But this will also be a reason for infertility for females, asking how?

As these ASA (anti-sperm antibodies) affect the motility of the sperm and ability of the sperm to reach the female's egg and penetrate it in order to fertilize the female's egg and hence the ability of pregnancy happen.

In our upcoming article we will be talking about the causes for these reasons of formation of ASA in female's body

So stay tuned for it.

This article is issued in public interest under social awareness campaign by

PhytoCeutics Healthcare.

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What is Male Infertility ?

MALE INFERTILITY MALE INFERTILITY? We are going to talk for a while about INFERTILITY , but this time to be specific it...