The Major cause Female Infertility
is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
It is estimated that 8-10% women
in their reproductive age are suffering with PCOS,
Infertility rate with Polycystic
ovaries are very high and the numbers are keep on increasing.
The Major cause of PCOS is
Oxidative Stress, Processed food, Stress, Pollution which results into
Androgen/ Testosterone excess ,
Menstrual Cycle,
that leads to PCOS or PCOS induced Female Infertility,
Polycystic ovarian syndrome not
only affects the Physiology of the body but it will affect the appearance of
the Female too,
Excessive facial hair growth
Patient having PCOS may not
ovulate properly and hence not able to get pregnant.
Hence to Provide a Ray of Hope for
the Female suffering with PCOS.
Representing Cap.V-PCOS
Cap. V-PCOS is
the most research based formulation which is only product available in market
which act systematically on each and every root cause of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome).our name itself suggest the product for what it is made of.
is the compositions of very selected herbs which acts systematically to
reduce each and every sign and symptoms of PCOS
Key Ingredients –
Shatavari –
Regulated the LH: FSH ratio & Induces Healthy Ovulation
Kamari – Induces & Maintains monthly menstrual
Lodhra – Regulates Hormone level
Ashok – Corrects Ovulation disorder
Kanchnar –Reduces the size and no. of Ovarian Cysts in PCOS
Yashtimadhu – Reduces free levels
of testosterone
Ulat Kambal – Offers hypoglycemic
effect1 and improves
insulin sensitivity of the body
Action –
Reduces Androgen Excess in
Induction of normal menstrual
cycle every month
Reduces the size and number of
cysts in the ovary.
Improves ovarian functions.
Induction of healthy ovulation.
Reduction in weight/obesity.
Maintaining the normal levels of
Hormones i.e. FSH and LH.
Improves fertility and chances of
Composition -
Dosage -2 cap twice a day.
Side Effects - Cap.V-PCOS is not known to have any side effects if taken as per
the prescribed dosage.
- Cap.V-PCOS is useful in Female Infertility and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome), Irregular menstrual cycle.
PhytoCeutics Healthcare.
Makers of Cap.V-PCOS for treatment of poly cystic ovary syndrome.
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